Thursday, November 22, 2018

How can the earth say to the moon, I miss you.....

How can the earth say to the moon, I miss you,
on all the long nights when there's no moon?
How can the stars say to the earth, we'r here
On a rainy night when clouds shroud up above?

How can the mighty oceans convey love
To the shore?
How can a honey bee tell a flower
the nectar's worth ?

What can a longing heart say to convey
the depths of passion?
What can a rider do to balance tender

Why do we seek affirmations?
Is it not enough to feel and believe, it is.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

The hero in strife...

I am the hero of my life, a broad battlefield
Life is earnest, bonafide one hundred percent
And dying is never it's goal!

Making the best from what is
Striving for what's needed
To make it more satisfying
Living is a choice I make
Each day, smiling when
It get's hard to bear the
burden of dead dreams
Desires that may never
Become reality.

I am the hero of my life.
The shepherd tending dreams
Moving ahead with dignity
Taking it slow, one step at a time
Reaching my destined abode.

Chimera of frightening memories
Buried gracefully, safe beneath
Sierra of hopes, the small little things
Glorified beyond reality to make it worth it.

Future perhaps is conceit , I know
Yet the illusion is breathtaking.
What could not be today maybe
Will come to life in a far away tomorrow.

 I am the hero of my life, a broad battlefield
Life is earnest, and dying is never it's goal!